Vin Doux Naturel
Vin Doux Naturel (VDN) or Natural sweet wines are traditionally those to which wine alcohol has been added, with the main objective being to improve its conservation or transportation. They’re called natural because all of their sweetness comes from the fruit, and they’re often compared with naturally sweet wines, whose alcohol content is acquired solely from the transformation of the grape’s own sugar, without any addition of alcohol (such as Straw wines, Noble Rot wines, Late-harvested, Ice wines...). That’s why natural sweet wines are also known as fortified sweet wines, characterised by having a high level of alcohol content and by aromas and flavours from their generally oxidative ageing and in oak. Enjoy our selection of Pedro Ximénez sweet sherries and Muscatel wines from Andalucía, the Banyuls and Maury sweet wines, sweet Garnachas from Empordà and the very many other natural sweet wines which Vinissimus can offer you, with craftsmanship, tradition and quality at the best possible price!

Valdespino Moscatel Toneles Viejísimo (0.37 L)